
Key points:

  1. Money coming in and money going out of the business is recorded.
  2. There are different tools for each type of transaction.
  3. Reports will help you monitor and control your business.
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The various tools included in the Finance module can be summarised with the following diagram.

Finance block diagram

As with any business there are fundamentally two types of trading transactions and some non-trading transactions; the above model reflects that.

Trading transactions are used to record money coming into and going out of the business. In a typical catering business these transactions include:

Sales receipts and overhead payments are relatively simple in that you receive an amount of money for a job or service you have provided or you pay out some money for a bill you have received. The corresponding tools in the Finance module enable you to record these in a simple, yet flexible format.

Payments of supplier invoices MAY be a little more complex since you may want to verify that the invoice you have received actually matches the goods you have received. This is often referred to as "invoice matching".

If you are using the Mise-en-plas Orders option to generate your product orders for your suppliers then the Supplier Invoices option enables you to match up the invoices you receive with the orders you generated and checked in.

If you are not using the Mise-en-plas Orders option you can still record your suppliers' invoices and check off the items you are happy to pay. Matching the invoices in this way enables some of the reports to give you supplier performance information.

Regardless of how you use the Supplier Invoice option you can record when you actually pay the invoice. This is carried forward into the cash flow reports.

The non-trading transactions include:

In the following pages of this tutorial all of these options will be covered in detail. First though there are some basic setting up tasks that need to be done and these are covered in the next pages.

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