
Key points:

  1. The Supplier Trading History summarises the amount of business you do with each of your suppliers over a period of time.
  2. The report also shows how reliable they are for delivering the products you order.
  3. The report provides valuable information for selecting a supplier to trade with and for negotiating prices with them.
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Reports - Supplier trading history

Most caterers and operators use a number of suppliers to provide them with the products they need to deliver their business. It is often very useful to know how much trade you have done with each supplier and also how reliable and consistent they are at fulfilling the orders you give to them.

The Supplier Trading History report summarises the trade that you have had with each of your suppliers.

Initially, when you run the report, by choosing the Finance/Reports/Supplier trading history option, you are asked for a pair of dates:

Finance Supplier Trading History report, date entry page

The report will select every supplier invoice that you have entered into the system and summarise its value and show the number of items on the invoice that are unmatched. Below is an example of the report produced:

Finance Supplier Trading History report

Here you can see each invoice is listed showing its matched amount and the number of unmatched items on that invoice.

Note that you can click on the Invoice Number to immediately switch to that invoice details page.

Each supplier's invoices are then totalled to provide an overall amount of business and a percentage of unmatched items.

Above you can see that Country Range delivered all of the items you ordered but Fred's Butchery only achieved a 50% delivery. Figures like this may be a prompt for you to investigate an alternative butcher!

Also, if you can show how much business you are putting the supplier's way you are in a stronger position to negotiate some form of discount.

Note that the unmatched items figure in this report is dependent on a supplier's invoice being entered into the system item by item. Each item can then be marked as matched, or not, so that this report will accurately show the reliability of the supplier.

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