
Key points:

  1. Dealing with supplier invoices can be quite complex.
  2. Invoice matching ensures that you only pay for what you receive.
  3. Unless an item is marked as "matched" the system assumes that you don't have to pay for it.
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Supplier invoices - introduction

Dealing with supplier invoices can be one of the most complex parts of managing a catering business and so this is, correspondingly, also the most complex part of the Finance module.

That being said, it can be used in a relatively simple fashion. Over the next few topics of the tutorial we will begin with the simplest approach and gradually introduce more concepts until we describe how the supplier invoices feature can be fully linked with the Mise-en-place Orders feature.

Before we embark on a detailed description of the workings of the supplier invoices feature, we need to ensure that the concept of "invoice matching" is clear. If you already understand invoice matching you can probably skip the next few paragraphs.

Invoice matching

When you place an order with a supplier there will typically be several items in the order. The delivery, when it arrives, will hopefully include all of the items you have ordered but occasionally there may be something missing or an alternative instead of an item you ordered.

The invoice from the supplier will often reflect the original order and, as good practice, you will want to compare what you received with what you have been invoiced for. You don't want to pay for something you didn't receive.

This process of comparing the invoice against the items actually delivered is termed "invoice matching".

As you will see in the next topics invoice matching is part of the supplier invoices feature of the Finance module. As far as the system is concerned, unless you have matched an item on a supplier invoice, you are not expected to pay for it.

Now we are ready to explore the supplier invoices feature in detail.


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