
Key points:

  1. You can link a manually entered invoice to an order, but this does not have any advantages.
  2. Linking a blank invoice to an order is the same as entering the invoice based on the order described in the previous topic.
  3. After manually entering one or more line items into the invoice linking it to an order will not automatically add any of the items from the order to the invoice.
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Link an invoice to an order

This final method enables you to link a manually entered supplier invoice to a previously generated order from the Mise-en-place Orders feature.

If you have entered a supplier invoice manually by following the procedure described earlier for entering a blank invoice, you can subsequently link it to an order.

Begin by creating a blank invoice for the appropriate supplier.

Finance Supplier invoice blank invoice

In the example above, the invoice number and invoice date have been entered from the supplier's invoice document. However notice now that, because the invoice is for the Country Range supplier, the "linked to order" drop-down list now contains the orders you have previously generated for that supplier using the Mise-en-place Orders feature.

By selecting one of the orders in that drop-down list you are linking the invoice to that order.

When you click Save Changes the system will again automatically add to the invoice a line item for each of the line items in the original order.

Finance Supplier invoice linked to an order

As you can see we are now at the same point that we were when we entered the invoice based on the order in the first place and the completion of it is the same.

Note that, if you have already manually entered one or more line items into the invoice BEFORE you link it to an order, then when you do link it the items from the order will NOT be automatically added to the invoice. You will be able to manually link the items individually but you will have to enter all of the items into the invoice yourself.

This completes the discussion about supplier invoices.

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