
Key points:

  1. Count up how much cash you actually have on hand.
  2. Make a Reconciled Balance (opening balance) entry.
  3. The reconciliation report will keep you on top of your cash situation.
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Setting up your receipt and overhead categories.

Recording of your receipts and overhead payments is quite straightforward and this is covered in detail later in the tutorial. However, it is useful to categorise them so that the various trading reports can show you where your money is coming from or going to.

You can set up as many, or as few, categories for receipts and overheads as you wish. You can add to them whenever you like but it is a good idea to create a few essential ones before you begin entering records.

Typical categories for receipts might be:

For overheads you might use:

The options to set up these categories can be found under the Finance main menu and then under the Settings sub menu.

Entering a new category requires you to simply type it into the box provided and then click Save Changes.

Note that once you have used a category on a receipt or overhead record you will not be able to delete it unless you replace it on the record(s). However, you can set categories to "do not use" which will prevent you from creating any more receipts or overheads using that category.

That concludes the preparation phase of setting up the Finance module. You are now ready to start recording your activity.

The next pages of the tutorial will explore the major components of the Finance module in detail.


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