
Key points:

  1. Dealing with expired food stuffs is an important task.
  2. The report summarises expired and soon to be expired ingredients.
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Ingredients and stock - Stock expiration report.

The stock page provides a means of interacting with your stock records, maintaining them and keeping them up to date. Monitoring out of date stock is part of that process.

The system provides a concise report that summarises your expired and expiring stock situation. This report is via the Reports / Stock Expiration Report option.

Ingredients - pack size and cost

When you first run this report you are asked to enter a number of days. This is used to identify stock that has not quite expired but will within that number of days.

The report then lists all of the stock that meets the expired or soon to be expired criteria, as shown in the example above.

This list can be printed and used to help located and remove or otherwise process those ingredients.

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