
Key points:

  1. Various selectors enable you to choose the menus you want to evaluation.
  2. The date range is the primary selector. In order to use Period Evaluation, your menus must be dated
  3. The nutritional evaluation chart is similar to charts for recipe and single menu evaluations.
  4. The drill down process is the same to help you identify where problems exist.
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Menu tools - Period evaluation.

When needing to asses the nutritional quality of food provision over a period of time, if for example you have a 3 or 6 week menu cycle, the period evaluation tool gives you that capability.

On the Menus main menu you will find an option; "Period Evaluation".

Menu tools - Period evaluation

The initial page, shown above, contains a number to selectors that enable you to choose the set of menus that you want to evaluate.

The first selector is the cookbook choice; your menus or the Set menus.

The next, main selector is the date range. In order to use the period evaluation tool, the menus you are wanting to evaluate must be dated.

Next you can specify the folder in which the required menus are located.

Finally, if you have multiple menus on each date, you can select based on the meal time.

The final choice you must make is the evaluation method. The two possibilities here are fully described in the tutorial topic Nutritional Evaluations, so they are not covered here.

With your choices made you can click the Continue button whereupon the selected menus will be evaluated according to your method choice.

Menu tools - Period evaluation

As you can see, the evaluation chart is very similar to those you have already seen while evaluating recipes and single menus. The meaning of the chart is fully described in the Nutritional Evaluation topic.

One thing to note though is that, if you click on a nutrient name to drill down, because you are evaluating a range of menus, the list of recipes you will see will be much longer than previous seen and each recipe listed will have a date alongside it to indicate which menu it is coming from. Other than that, the process of drilling down is as previously described.

Note that the display informs you of how many menus were selected by your selector choices and the number of days that the evaluation was averaged over. If you wish you can alter the number of days to calculate the average by entering a number in the small box over to the right. This might be relevant if your date range was, say 14 days but there were only 10 menus found - perhaps there were no menus for the weekends. In this case you could enter 10 into the Number of Days box, press the tab key on your keyboard and the evaluation would be recalculated over 10 days instead of 14.

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