
Key points:

  1. Pack size and cost information is critical to enabling the system to perform cost and margin calculations.
  2. Missing nutrient information can be "filled in" by selecting a "similar to" ingredient from the FSA Reference ingredient data.
  3. Individual nutrient values, if known, are used in evaluations. Otherwise the "similar to" value will be used instead.
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Ingredients and stock - Ingredients continued.

The next section of the Ingredients page concerns the size and cost of the pack that you can buy of the ingredient.

Ingredients - pack size and cost

Pack size is the TOTAL AMOUNT of the ingredient you obtain if you buy a pack. This must be measured in the same units as selected above in the Measured By; for example grams, mls, or items.

The pack cost is self-explanatory and the pack description is optional but is plain text if entered.

The supplier code is the unique code that the supplier of this ingredient uses to identify it. All large food suppliers use codes to identify their products and often require them to be present on any purchase order for goods.

The split section is relevant only if the supplier will accept orders for partial packs of a product. For example, a full pack of Coca Cola might contain 12 cans of 330ml each but the supplier might accept orders for any number of cans. In this case, you would tick the "Can Order Split" box and enter a Split Pack Size of 1 (i.e. individual cans) and a split pack cost (i.e. the cost of a single can). There may also be a special code when order a split pack product.

Note that the "Split Pack Size" must, again, be in the SAME UNITS as that for the full pack.

The "Usually Order Split" tick box allows you to indicate your preference, which is applied when calculating what you need to order to prepare a menu you have designed. So, if you have indicated that you usually order split and you need 7 cans of Coke then 7 individual cans will be placed into the basket ready for ordering. If you do NOT tick usually order split, then the system will put one complete pack of Coke (12 tins) into the basket. See the tutorial topic on Orders and Deliveries / Loading the basket for more details.

If you have any stock of the ingredient this is displayed next.

Ingredients stock

Note that this display is for information only. You maintain your stock through the
Ingredients / Stock option. See the later topic for details.

Now we get down to the nutrient section. The first part of this is shown below:

Ingredients nutrients part 1

The tick boxes to indicate whether or not the ingredient is vegetarian and/or vegan are self-explanatory.

Sometimes, when entering your own ingredients into the system that you have, perhaps, bought from the greengrocer or butcher, you will not have a full nutrient breakdown for that ingredient available - if any at all! However, within the FSA Reference ingredient set there is an enormous range of common types of food all with a full nutrient breakdown. This next section of the ingredients page allows you to link YOUR ingredient with one of the reference ingredients to obtain its nutrient breakdown. In this way, your recipe and menu nutritional evaluations will be more complete.

In the above example, you can see that the ingredient that has been entered has been linked to the reference ingredient "Lemons, peeled, raw, weighted with peel and pips" (the reference ingredient names tend to be quite verbose but descriptive).

You will see in the next section of the ingredients page how the nutrient breakdown for the reference ingredient is inherited by the ingredient you are adding.

A sample of the final, lengthy section of the ingredients page is shown below:

Ingredients nutrients part 1

In this section each of the possible 33 nutrients can have a value. Above you can see that Energy, Protein and Carbohydrates have numbers entered but the other nutrients do not. However, note the numbers shown in the brackets; these are the values inherited from the "Nutritionally Similar To" ingredient in the FSA Reference set.

When a recipe or menu is evaluated, if there is a number in the nutrient box (e.g. 8.5 for energy) then this will be used in the calculation. If not, and if there is a "similar to" ingredient selected, then that value will be used instead (e.g. 0.2 for fats).

In this way, even if you do not have the full nutrient breakdown for an ingredient you are entering into your cookbook, you can still benefit from a more complete nutritional evaluation.

On the next page the controls available on the ingredients page will be discussed.

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