
Key points:

  1. Work out what you need.
  2. Place orders on your suppliers.
  3. Check in deliveries to update your stock.
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Orders - an introduction.

In order to provide a food service you need to buy ingredients from your suppliers. You might have an account with a large supplier who receives orders, makes deliveries and then invoices you for them, or you may have local suppliers who may or may not deliver and to whom you pay cash for their supplies.

Regardless of how it is done, the process can be summarised, in general terms, as follows:

  1. Work you what you need to buy
  2. Place the order
  3. Receive the goods and update your stock

The system has features that can help in each of these steps and can automate the process for much of it.

Over the next 3 topics each of these steps will be discussed and the system's features that help in those areas will be introduced..

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