
Key points:

  1. The recipes tab shows the recipes and the section they are in.
  2. Adding recipes to the menu is virtually identical to adding ingredients to recipes, which is covered in the Mise-en-place / Quick start topic.
  3. Menu sections can be numerical or you can set up descriptive section names.
  4. The Reqd Portions number is important for nutritional evaluations over a population average AND also for accurately loading your basket with ingredients that you need to buy.
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The menu recipes tab.

The recipes tab of the menu details page is the tab that is selected by default when you first open a menu and it contains a lot of the features you will use when planning your menus.

Menu recipes

When the recipes tab is selected, the information below it can be divided into 3 areas:

  1. The recipes on the menu with the section that they are in
  2. Action button controls to take various actions
  3. Controls to enable the selection and adding of more recipes onto the menu

The process for selecting and adding a recipe onto the menu is almost identical to that used to add ingredients into a recipe. This is covered in detail in the Mise-en-place / Quick start tutorial topic, so the basics are not covered here.

Apart from searching for recipes with a keyword there are additional controls that allow you to filter the search results. These are all optional.

Note that the area for adding recipes will not be present if you have opened a menu from the Set cookbook.

Each recipe that is added to the menu must be assigned a "menu section". Typical menu sections are starters, mains, desserts, and so on. In the above screen shot, section 1 is starters, section 2 is mains, section 3 is vegetables and section 4, desserts.

Although using numbers for the sections like this is straightforward enough, it is not very intuitive. The system allows you to set up section names which are then used when defining your menu. The option for setting up these section names is Menus / Menu Section Names. the next topic discusses the process of creating these section names.

Note that, if you have already entered some menus using the simple numbering method for sections, when you create the section names, if you use the same numbers (each section name must be give a number) the the system will automatically convert your section numbers to their corresponding name.

Note that if you set up any section names you must use the names in your menus - you can no longer use the simple numbering scheme.

Alongside each recipe in the menu the calculated portion cost and selling price will be displayed. See the tutorial topic on Recipes / Cost Analysis for full details of these.

There are three other controls alongside each recipe:

 The next topic page will discuss setting up of menu section names.

Following that, the next topic will discuss the action button controls in detail.

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