
Key points:

  1. Any ingredient can be replaced with another wherever you have used it in your recipes.
  2. Recipes affected can be limited to only those in a folder, or you can change all of them.
  3. Replacement can be carried out as often as required.
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Recipe tools - Replace ingredient.

From time to time one of the ingredients you have used in your recipes will have to be changed. Your supplier may not be providing that ingredient anymore, you may prefer to use a different supplier's ingredient or you may decide to use a different type of ingredient.

Whatever the reason, if you have a collection of a hundred or so recipes in your cookbook, finding and replacing one ingredient with another throughout all of them is a task to be dreaded. Fortunately the system makes doing this almost trivial.

On the Recipes main menu you will find an option; "Replace Ingredient".

Recipe tools replace ingredient

The five steps necessary are simple to follow but be aware, once you have completed the process and replaced one ingredient with another there is no "undo" option. To reverse the process you would have to repeat the replace but reversing the ingredient choices.

In step 1 you can select to replace the ingredient in ALL of your recipes in any folder, or you can choose a specific folder, whereupon only recipes in that folder will be affected.

Step 2 involves choosing an ingredient from the drop-down list box. This box will contain every ingredient you have used in any of your chosen recipes. The colour coding enables you to quickly pick out ingredients from different sources. Choose one of the ingredients in this list TO BE REPLACED.

In step 3 you need to enter a search keyword to locate the ingredient that is to inserted into the recipes to replace the one you selected in step 2. This process is identical to that you have already learned while entering a recipe's ingredients.

The drop-down list box in step 4 will have been filled with ingredients matching the search keyword you entered in step 3. Choose one ingredient from this list that will be used to REPLACE the ingredient you selected in the step 2.

Finally, step 5, click the Replace button. A message asking you to confirm the replacement will appear and when you click OK the replacement will take place and a further message will appear advising you of how many recipes were affected by the replacement.

Simple, isn't it!

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