
Key points:

  1. Recipes MUST  have a name.
  2. Keywords are optional but can be useful to help with keyword searches.
  3. The Quantity calculator will work out ingredient quantities for any number of portions required.
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The recipe header.

At the top of the recipe detail page is the recipe header.

Recipe header

The header contains the recipe's name, the number of portions the recipe makes and you can optionally enter some keywords that will be helpful if you have a lot of recipes and want to search for a particular one by using them. When you begin to enter a new recipe, this is your starting point.

The recipe's name is self-explanatory and every recipe HAS to have one. However, the system will not prevent you from entering more than one recipe with the same name. Clearly, the name is important since it enables you to identify what it is from a list of recipes and when you include it in a menu it will usually be the name that is printed on the menu, however this can be changed on the menu printout - see the later section on Recipes / Menu description.

The number of portions that the recipe makes will depend on the quantities of the ingredients that you use. The number in the portions box will therefore depend on the quantities you enter later on when you specify the ingredients in the recipe.

Sometimes you need to prepare a recipe for a different number of portions. This is where the Quantity Calculator comes in. By entering a different number into this box the system will automatically calculate the amount of each ingredient required for that many portions. This value is displayed alongside the standard ingredient quantity lower down on the page. See the later topic on Recipes / Ingredients tab.

You can change the recipe name, keywords or indeed anything about the recipe at any time, unless you have opened one of the recipes from the Set cookbook, in which case it will not be editable, although the Quantity Calculator will still work.


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