
Key points:

  1. Drilling down means finding out where a nutrient is coming from. In a menu this would be one of the recipes. For a recipe this would be one of the ingredients
  2. With just a few mouse clicks all of the nutritional information can be accessed.
  3. Use the Remember and Compare buttons to see the results of any amendments side by side.
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Nutritional evaluations - drill down.

Remember the evaluation display from the previous page:

Example nutritional evaluation

We have noticed that the level of Saturated Fats in this menu evaluation is very high. In order to do something about it we really need to know where all of that fat is coming from. We can click on the nutrient name, Saturated Fats, and the system will then show us which of the recipes are contributing to the saturated fats, as shown below:

Example nutritional evaluation drill down to recipes

Here we can see that 57% of the saturated fat comes from the Christmas Turkey Roulade recipe. At this point we can think about replacing that recipe or we can continue drilling down to understand what it is about that recipe that makes it so high in saturated fat. To do that we click on the recipe name to open the recipe details page, switch to the Evaluation tab and we find:

Example nutritional evaluation the problem recipe

Now, remember, we are looking at the evaluation of a portion of a single recipe. Low and behold we see that saturated fats is very high here too - in fact one portion of this recipe contains one and a half times and entire day's allowance of saturated fat!

So, what is it about this recipe that makes it so bad. We can again click on the nutrient name, saturated fat, to find out which of the ingredients in the recipe contribute the most.

Example nutritional evaluation drill down to ingredients

And so we discover that it is primarily the sausage causing the problem. Now we are fully informed so that some decisions can be made to try to improve the situation.

Now, cast your mind back to the first picture on this page. At the bottom right you will see two buttons; Compare and Remember. These two buttons allow you to directly compare two evaluation charts side by side.

Starting from the beginning, where we have the chart shown at the top of this page, click the Remember button (the Compare button won't be present until you have Remembered something). This tells the system to remember that chart.

Then, after you have made some alterations, to the menu or the recipes, go back to the evaluation again. Something will be different but it's not always easy to see the differences. Click the Compare button.

Compaaring an evaluation with a Remembered chart

The chart that you Remembered will be overlaid on top of the current evaluation chart so that you can directly compare the two. As you can see above, some change made to the recipe has reduced the amount of saturated fat from 151% down to 111%.

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