
Key points:

  1. All ingredients in the system must belong to a supplier.
  2. A supplier record need only be a minimum of a supplier name. All other details are optional.
  3. There will always be some suppliers from the Set cookbook and you can enter as many of your own as you wish.
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Ingredients and stock - Suppliers.

ALL ingredients within the Mise-en-place system MUST "belong" to a supplier. Consequently, if you are intending to enter some ingredient data there must be a Supplier record to "hold" it.

Within the system there will be suppliers in the Set cookbook visible to you and also any suppliers that you add to your own cookbook.

On the Ingredients / Suppliers page (see below) these suppliers are listed on the left hand side. You can open any of their details by double-clicking on their name in the list whereupon the details will be loaded into the boxes on the right hand side where you can enter or amend them.

Note that if you open one of the suppliers from the Set cookbook (shown in white in the list on the left) the details will not be loaded into boxes and you will not be able to alter them.

Suppliers page

There are numerous detail boxes for each supplier but they do not all have to be filled in. The minimum that is necessary is the Supplier Name; all the rest can be left blank.

However, if you intend to use the full ordering features of the Mise-en-place system it will be advantageous to enter more of the supplier's details.

There will always be at least two suppliers from the Set cookbook, as shown above, these are the FSA Reference and Generic Ingredients. These two contain a huge selection of "generic" ingredients with full nutritional breakdown for each. However, they do not have any pack size or costing information so their use is fairly limited if costing of recipes and profit margins are important to you.

It does mean, though, that you can start to enter recipes straightaway without entering your own suppliers and their ingredients.

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