
Key points:

  1. View all recipes within a selected folder.
  2. Check all of their prices, profits and margins at a glance.
  3. Make changes to the prices and immediately see the effect on profit and margin.
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Recipe tools - Bulk price change.

Ingredient prices have a tendancy to chnage from time to time; sometimes down but more often upwards.

Whenever this happens the potential effect on your business is to increase costs, reduce profits and therefore margins go down. Checking and amending the prices on all of your recipes to maintain your margins could be a tedious task, fortunately the system give you an easy way of doing this.

On the Recipes main menu you will find an option; "Bulk price change".

Recipe tools bulk price change

At the top, you select any one of the recipe folders in your cookbook. The recipes within that folder are then list below showing their cost, price, profit and margin calculations.

From this list you can very quickly scan down the Current Profit or Current Margin columns to see if any of the recipes are showing inadequate levels of profit.

You can then amend the value in any of the New Price boxes to immediately see the effect in the New Profit and New Margin columns. In this way you can "tune" the prices of the recipes to maintain the margins you need very easily.

NOTE: Any changes you make are on the screen ONLY until you click Save Changes whereupon ALL of the changes you have made are stored away into their respective recipes.

If you realise you have made some errors and want to undo all of the changes, then simply click "Cancel Changes".

The sharp-eyed may have noticed the action button at the bottom labeled "Menu builder". This feature allows you to add any of the recipes above, selected by clicking in their tick-boxes at the left hand side, into a menu. This feature is described in another topic under the Menu Tools tutorial section.

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