
Key points:

  1. Menu tools enable you to manipulate and maintain your menus quickly and easily.
  2. Tools can evaluate your menus against nutritional or category targets.
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Menu tools.

In the previous topics we have discussed, in detail, how menus are entered into the system and stored in your cookbook. Each of the sections on the menu details page has been covered.

There are several very useful tools that enable you to manipulate your menus in various ways, to automate occasional, tedious tasks and to allow you to process many menus at once to produce useful results.

These tools, which are described in subsequent topics, are:

The first three of these tools are accessible via options on the Menus main menu, the fourth is an option on the main menus selection page. The final tool is actually an option on two of the Recipe Tools pages, the Bulk Price Change and the Compare Nutrition.

The following topics expand on each of these tools.

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